This is one question I get asked quite often. As everyone knows, web hosts are a dime a dozen and it appears everyone and their brother opens up a web hosting company. In the hosting trade we refer to these fly by night companies as “Summer Hosts”. Do not be fooled by these hosts. They may have a flashy cool website but it is the service that separates us from them.
Here are a few good things to look out for when choosing a web hosting company ::
1. Real time Status Pages hosted in a completely separate network and data center. The status pages at TCH are just that. I am talking status pages that show server loads and bandwidth utilization. The real time TCH Status Pages can be found here.
2. Up time reports for both network and each individual server. This is something most hosts simply will not publish. Is this because they are scared or embarrassed to present the numbers. Not at TCH. We publish up-times for each server and our network. No hiding behind false promises. The TCH Up-Time pages can be found here.
3. Public Forums. A host with nothing to hide allows users to publish unedited comments and reviews on a forum. TCH was one of the first hosting companies to offer a Forum for clients and guests to freely post and review our services. Our Forums can be found here.
4. Staff Directory. A host that outsources their support to some call center in another country will never discuss their staffing or allow clients to view photos and bios of the staff. At TCH we pride ourselves in no outsourcing. Every staff member works directly for TCH and we outsource nothing! Our staffing profile page can be found here.
5. Twenty four hour support. Yes, can you really comprehend a web hosting firm that does not staff their support team on a 24/7/365 basis. It is common place for this to happen. If you think about it, one of the most expensive parts of running a web hosting company is payroll to the staff. At TCH we are fully staffed all the time , no matter when. True 24/7/365 support is available and online. You can test this statement here.
6. Network and Longevity. Does your host own all of their own equipment? Most hosts simply rent their servers from other providers. Not at TCH. We own everything from the Fiber to the Switch and right down to the server. The best part is TCH is a debt free company and we have been in the business since 1999. We are here for the long run and you can trust TCH.
These are just a few things that separate the good hosting companies from the “Summer Hosts.”
Happy Hosting and good luck in your search for a new web host.